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Not BORN or STUCK With It!

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8 + World-Wide Med. J. Studies

Perfect Test Case: Identical Twin Co-Twins

**Same DNA, Same Genes, Same Biology**

11% or less MALE     Co-Twins: Gay

14% or less FEMALE Co-Twins: Gay

Not 99%!

Large Objective Studies,

no Volunteer or Selection Bias!

Identical Twin Studies Not Born With It

Reference Medical Journal Studies


1 Bailey JM, Dunne MP, Martin NG. 2000. Genetic and Environmental

influences on sexual orientation and its correlates in an Australian twin

sample. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78:524-36

2. Hershberger SL. 1997. A twin registry study of male and female sexual

orientation. Journal of Sex Research 34:212-22

3. Santtila P, Sandnabba NK, Harlaar N, Varjonen M, Alanko K, von der

Pahlen B.2008. Potential for homosexual response is prevalent and

genetic. Biological Psychology 77(1):102-5

4. Langstrom N, Rahman Q, Carlstrom E, Lichtenstein P. 2010. Genetic

and Environmental Effects on Same-sex Sexual Behavior: A Population

Study of Twins in Sweden. Archives of Sexual Behavior 39(1):75-80 (SSA

concordance between MZ twins was only 11% for males and 14%

for females)

5 Alanko K, Santtila P, Harlaar N, Witting K, Varjonen K, Jern P, Johansson

A, von der Pahlen B, Sandnabba NK. 2010. Common Genetic Effects of

Gender Atypical Behavior in Childhood and Sexual Orientation in

Adulthood: A Study of Finnish Twins. Archives of Sexual Behavior


6. Buhrich N, Bailey JM, Martin NG. 1991. Sexual orientation, sexual

identity, and sex-dimorphic behaviors in male twins. Behavior Genetics


7. Kendler KS1, Thornton LM, Gilman SE, Kessler RC.2000. Sexual

orientation in a U.S. national sample of twin and nontwin sibling pairs. Am

J Psychiatry. 2000 Nov;157(11):1843-1846.

8. Burri A, Spector T, Rahman Q. 2015. Common Genetic Factors among

Sexual Orientation, Gender Nonconformity, and Number of Sex Partners

in Female Twins: Implications for the Evolution of Homosexuality. J Sex

Med. 2015 Apr;12(4):1004-11. doi: 10.1111/jsm.12847. Epub 2015 Feb


9. Zietsch BP, Verweij KJ, Heath AC, Madden PA, Martin NG, Nelson EC,

Lynskey MT. 2012.         Do shared etiological factors contribute to the

relationship between sexual orientation and depression? Psychol Med.

2012 Mar;42(3):521-32.

10 Bearman PS, Brueckner H. 2002. Opposite-sex twins and adolescent

same-sex attraction. American Journal of Sociology 107:1179-205 (SSA

concordance between MZ twins was only 7.7% for males and 5.3%

for females)

11. Kirk KM, Bailey JM, Dunne MP, Martin NG. 2000. Measurement

models for sexual orientation in a community twin sample. Behavior

Genetics 30:345-56 (SSA concordance between MZ twins was only 11

% for males and 14% for females)

12, Whitehouse, Neil. E. 2013. MY GENES MADE ME DO IT!

Homosexuality and the Scientific Evidence. 3rd Edition at:

© 2015