BACKGROUND:1. First State then U.S. Federal Courts, since the early 1990's, began challenging state legislatures and Congress--ultimately the People-- to provide sufficient constitutional arguments, statutes and constitutional amendments justifying the continuation of bans on sodomy, including oral, bans on homosexual unions and eventually homosexual, i.e.., same-sex marriage!2. 220 years of Public Morality & Public Health Stare Decisis: Both state and federal legislatures made anti-sodomy laws and courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, made judicial decisions deferring to public morality and known health consequents of homosexual acts whether done by homosexuals or heterosexuals.3. Legal Sexual Revolution, Prosecutors Rarely Prosecute: It Becomes an Education Issue, from High Morals Safe-Sex to Low Morals "Protected" Un-Safe Sex and Rampent STD's.In the 1960's and 1970's, with the Pill and the "sexual revolution", plus a round of antibiotic medical discoveries initially highly effective curing a number of STD's, as well as the anti-Viet Nam War rebellion, public morality standards dropped significantly.In the new risk apathetic public behavior climate, prosecutors ever more frequently failed to prosecute public health laws banning certain sex acts including sodomy by homosexuals or heterosexuals. The resultant dramatic rise it STD's & STI's was treated as an education issue to be resolved by "safer-sex education" with some laws requiring reporting of communicable diseases and participants, especially when incurable or especially dangerous.Rational Basis to Strict Scrutiny: Why not Same-Sex SS Marriage?
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